Get Help
The partners of the Family Justice Center are here to assist survivors, their children, and our community. Learn about the wrap-around services we provide, all in one place.
On-Site Services
The Family Justice Center provides services for survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation, Elder Abuse, Family Violence, and their children.
Drop-In Childcare
So that children have a safe place while families get the services they need, FJC offers drop-in childcare Monday-Friday all day.
Pantry, Kitchen, and Showers
Open daily at the FJC, our Family Pantry provides kitchen staples, food boxes, baby supplies, hygiene items, warm clothing, and more for anyone to take with them. While receiving services, all survivors are offered meals, snacks, and comforting drinks from the Client Kitchen for the duration of their stay. Additionally, showers are available on site for survivors as needed.
Legal Clinics
We offer clinics to support survivors filing legal paperwork. Childcare and snacks are provided. Please call the FJC to reserve your spot:
Family Law Paperwork Clinic: First and Third Fridays 2:00-5:00pm
Child Support Paperwork Clinic: Second and Forth Wednesdays 2:00-5:00 pm
Legal Advice and Navigation: Every Tuesday from 10:00-4:00 attorneys are on site to provide one hour of free legal assistance on any topic.
Oregon Law Center
St. Andrew Legal Clinic
Oregon Crime Victims Law Center
Victim’s Rights Law Center
Disability Rights Oregon
Washington County Circuit Court
Restraining Orders:
Family Abuse, Elderly and Disabled, and Sexual Abuse protective order petitions (RO’s) are available and can be filed at the FJC.
Stalking Protection Orders must be filed at the Courthouse.
Confidential Advocates from the Domestic Violence Resource Center (DVRC) are available at the Family Justice Center to look over and help file restraining order petitions and answer any questions you may have relating to restraining orders, safety planning, and resource referrals.
If you would like to see a judge the same day your restraining order is filed, please arrive at the FJC no later than 9:00 a.m.
Alternatively, you may also file at the Washington County Courthouse. Your completed protection order packet must be turned into the clerk no later than 10:30 a.m.
You may also file the Family Abuse Prevention Act (FAPA) Restraining Order online. Information about the date and time of your court appearance will be sent to your phone or email.
Divorce and Child Custody:
General Divorce, Separation, Parenting Time, Child Custody, and Child Support is handled by the Family Law Assistance Program at the Courthouse (See information bar to the right).
You may also file Divorce, Dissolution, and Custody paperwork online.
Survivors already receiving services at FJC can receive assistance filing this paperwork from the FJC.
Protection Orders filed at the FJC:
Arrive at FJC no later than 9:00am to file and appear before a judge the same day.
Court is held at FJC at 1:00 daily.
Restraining Orders can also be filed at the Washington County Courthouse:
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 12 PM
1:00 PM – 5 PM
145 NE 2nd Ave
Hillsboro, 97124
Contested Restraining Orders must be addressed at the Courthouse.
Stalking Orders must be filed at the courthouse, but we can help you with the paperwork.
Family Law Assistance Program (Courthouse Only): providing support with Divorce and Child Custody.
Monday – Friday
8:00am – 11:45am, 1:00pm – 4:45pm
150 North First Avenue, Room 105J, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
(503) 846-2896 - Assistance for Domestic Relations Cases
(503) 846-2857 - Assistance for Protection Order Cases
District Attorney’s Office
Offering help to victims of crime in their rights, prosecuting criminal cases, accompanying to court, crime victims’ compensation, and gaining child support.
The mission of the Washington County District Attorney’s Office is to seek justice and protect the community.
Child Support Unit Available at FJC
Wednesdays 1:00-5:00pm
Victim’s Assistance Program: Supporting victim’s of crime in navigating the legal system and their rights, including accompaniment to criminal court. This program is through the District Attorney’s Office at the Courthouse.
150 N 1st Ave #300, Hillsboro, OR 97124
Community Action
Offering help eviction prevention, homeless services, energy assistance, utility payment assistance, pregnancy and parenting support, transit assistance, Oregon Health Plan, emergency food assistance, and Rent Well classes.
Community Action leads the way to eliminate conditions of poverty and create opportunities for people and communities to thrive.
Available at FJC
Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00pm
Energy Assistance
(Utility Payment Assistance)
Eviction Prevention Emergency Rent Program
(Must have 72 hour notice and a lease in your name)
Department of Human Services
Offering help with food benefits (SNAP), cash for families (TANF), temporary assistance for domestic violence survivors (TA-DVS grant), Childcare Assistance (ERDC) and health care coverage.
Family Coaches are available virtually at the FJC or by phone at your local office for intake and approval of benefits.
The Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) is Oregon’s principal agency for helping more than 1 million Oregonians each year achieve wellbeing and independence through opportunities that protect, empower, respect choice, and preserve dignity. These services provide a key safety net for those in our society who are most vulnerable or who are at a difficult place in their life.
Available at FJC or by phone:
Beaverton Self Sufficiency Office
Tigard Self Sufficiency Office
Hillsboro Self Sufficiency Office
Domestic Violence Resource Center
Offering help with advocacy, counseling, and housing for survivors.
The Domestic Violence Resource Center (DVRC) offers a holistic approach to domestic violence support services and programs. For 45+ years, the DVRC has been providing a full continuum of free and confidential support services and programs to adult and child survivors of domestic violence in Washington County, Oregon. These services include a 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter, transitional housing, permanent housing, safety planning, counseling (individual/group for both adults and children), advocacy, case management, protective order assistance, and community training/presentations).
Advocacy available at FJC
Monday-Thursday 8:30-4:00PM,
Friday 8:30-3:00PM
Counseling available at FJC
Monday-Thursday 10:00-8:00PM
Call 503-521-7997 for appointments
Housing and Shelter
503-469-8620 or housing@dvrc-or.org
or 24-Hour Crisis Line by phone
503-469-8620 | 1-866-469-8600
Sexual Assault Resource Center
Offering crisis intervention, advocacy, case management, and counseling to survivors of sexual assault.
For over 40 years, SARC has been providing crisis intervention and ongoing support to people who have experienced sexual violence through their 24-hour telephone support line, in-person crisis response, follow-up services, and individual and group counseling.
Advocacy and Case Management Available at FJC
Monday-Thursday 9:00-4:00
Friday by appointment
24-Hour Crisis Line (call or text)
(503) 640-5311
Counseling Intake and Appointments:
503-626-9100 x 241
Safety Compass
Offering help with human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.
Safety Compass offers both 24/7 crisis intervention and ongoing victim advocacy for youth and adults that is culturally specific and trauma responsive. Our advocates are available at all hours to respond and travel to a victim’s location.
Available at FJC:
Tuesday and Thursday
or 24-Hour Crisis Line by phone
Offering survivors and their children help with serious persistent mental health and substance use treatment.
Sequoia Mental Health Services, Inc. is dedicated to providing assistance to people with psychiatric, emotional and developmental impairments. The support provided is aimed at maximizing self-sufficiency and productivity and offered with compassion, integrity and a profound respect for each individual’s strengths. At Sequoia, our goal is to surround the people we serve with a community that will engage, support and encourage them.
Available at FJC:
Fridays 9:00-5:00pm
Or by phone:
Substance use: 503-619-1560
Mental health: 503-591-9280
Family SkillBuilders
Offering help with parenting, supporting children, and families in crisis.
Family SkillBuilders is committed to building strong families through relationally based parent training. We offer parent and child interaction support, home visiting, parenting groups, safe visitation, and prevent involvement with the child welfare system.
We believe in building strong families with a hands-on, customized, home-based model that empowers parents with the skills they need. The goal is that children will be safe and nurtured and will live in their home with their family.
Available at FJC:
Monday -Friday by appointment
or by phone:
(503) 442-2296
Abuse Recovery Ministry Services
Offering help with faith-based recovery groups for survivors of domestic abuse.
Abuse Recovery Ministry Services (ARMS) has provided free faith-based recovery groups for women who have or are experiencing domestic abuse since 1997. ARMS is offered at the FJC, in confidential locations around the area, and virtually. ARMS has served over 32,000 survivors nationally and internationally
Her Journey Available at FJC in English, Spanish, and Russian, call for information.
To sign up, do intake, or find additional recovery groups call:
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Adelante Mujeres
Offering culturally-specific trauma support groups.
Más allá del Trauma: es un programa culturalmente sensible comprometido con la prevención y el alivio del impacto del trauma generacional dentro de la comunidad latina/e, ofreciendo educación, conciencia y curación.
Más allá del Trauma Available at FJC, call for information.
To learn more or find additional culturally specific supports call:
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
(503) 992-0078
Oregon Law Center
Offering legal assistance to survivors with their civil family law cases.
Oregon Law Center (OLC) is a non-profit organization that provides free legal help to people struggling to make ends meet. The mission of the Oregon Law Center is to achieve justice for the low-income communities of Oregon by providing a full range of the highest quality civil legal services.
Available by phone at FJC or at the Family Law Hotline:
Monday and Wednesday
10:00 AM -12:00 PM
Main Line
(Callers can leave a voicemail requesting information and legal services)
Available at the FJC Tuesdays from 10:00-4:00.
Call 503-430-8300 to reserve your one-hour appointment.
To work with SALC all other times visit the link below to request a consultation.
St. Andrew Legal Clinic
Offering legal assistance with Family Law cases.
Our team of expert attorneys is well-versed in various facets of family law, striving to make a positive impact on the lives of our valued clients. Our committed attorneys can assist you with a wide range of legal issues, and so much more. Experience the difference SALC can make in your family law case.
We assist with: Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce, Guardianship, Spousal Support, and Domestic Violence Protection.
Oregon Crime Victims Law Center
Offering legal assistance to survivors in their criminal cases.
We provide free legal services to crime victims in criminal proceedings (including post-conviction) for issues relating to crime victims' rights. This service is available throughout Oregon. We may be able to provide free legal services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking for:
Protection order contested hearings for the following orders: Family Abuse Prevention Act, Sexual Abuse Protective Order, Elderly Persons and Persons with Disability Act, and Stalking Order.
Housing issues that directly arise due to the crime.
Education system issues that arise due to the crime.
Attorneys are available at the FJC Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00-5:00pm
Services are available at FJC the rest of the week by referral
503-208-8160 or info@ocvlc.org
Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00pm
If you have an RO and you have been notified it is being contested, call the FJC or OCVLC right away to access either legal advice for your case, or representation in the hearing.
Disability Rights Oregon
Offering legal assistance to survivors that identify as having a disability.
Disability Rights Oregon provides free protection and legal advocacy services to individuals with disabilities in Oregon.
We help children and adults with disabilities who have experienced crime—including sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and abuse—even if the crime has not been reported.
Examples of a disability include a physical disability, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a brain injury, or ADHD. You do not need to have supporting documentation for your disability.
Services are available at FJC Monday-Friday by referral
503-243-2081 9am-12 or 1pm-5pm, Monday through Friday.
Available by phone at FJC or Intake Line— Clients can call the intake line 24/7 and leave a message
503-274-5477 Ext. 6
To speak with a live Attorney, call during the following hours:
11 AM – 1 PM
(bilingual, Spanish speaking Immigration Attorney)
3 PM – 5 PM (Civil Protection Attorney)
2 PM – 4 PM
(bilingual, Spanish speaking Immigration attorney)
9 AM – 11 PM (Education Rights Attorney)
Victim Rights Law Center
Offering legal assistance with sexual assault legal assistance.
The VRLC's mission is to provide legal representation to victims of rape and sexual assault to help rebuild their lives, and to promote a national movement committed to seeking justice for every rape and sexual assault victim. We are committed to transforming the response to sexual violence through survivor-led legal practice that centers on the needs and experiences of survivors experiencing oppression.
Law Enforcement
Offering help with crime reporting, investigation, and follow up.
Available at FJC:
Monday – Friday
8:30 AM – 4:00PM
Officers on site can help with cases and make reports regardless of where you live.
Washington County Non-Emergency
The Beaverton Police Department’s mission is to provide excellent police services, which exceed community expectations. Safety and security are paramount to a healthy community. The Beaverton Police Department is committed to maintaining a community where all of our community members feel safe and welcome so that together we thrive.
Beaverton Police Victim’s Services: Providing support for victims of crime
The Hillsboro Police Department works with the community to prevent and suppress crime, serve people sincerely and professionally, build valued partnerships, and honor justice through fairness. To serve the community actively and effectively, we adhere to principles of integrity, loyalty, and a progressive spirit. HPD has placed one domestic violence detective in the Center. They were the first law enforcement to join the FJC.
Hillsboro Police Victim’s Services: Providing on-site support for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault.
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office strives to ensure the safety and well-being of all through fairness and justice.
WCSO has a team dedicated to working domestic violence cases. The Domestic Violence Resource Team (DVRT) was formed in 2007 to address the needs of domestic violence survivors, their children, and to support the complex needs of domestic violence cases and investigations. In addition to DVRT, there is also a detective who is stationed at the Family Justice Center.
Together, as a community, we can make domestic violence a thing of the past. You are not alone. If you, or someone you know, are in a domestic violence situation, please connect with the local resources listed on this site.
IF YOU ARE THE VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE OR ABUSE, you can ask the district attorney to file a criminal complaint. You also have the right to go to the circuit court and file a petition requesting any of the following orders for relief:
(a) An order restraining your attacker from abusing you;
(b) an order directing your attacker to leave your household;
(c) an order preventing your attacker from entering your residence, school, business or place of employment;
(d) an order awarding you or the other parent custody of or parenting time with a minor child or children;
(e) an order restraining your attacker from molesting or interfering with minor children in your custody;
(f) an order awarding you other relief the court considers necessary to provide for your or your children’s safety, including emergency monetary assistance. Such orders are enforceable in every state.
You may also request an order awarding support for minor children in your care or for your support if the other party has a legal obligation to support you or your children.
You also have the right to sue for losses suffered as a result of the abuse, including medical and moving expenses, loss of earnings or support, and other out-of-pocket expenses for injuries sustained and damage to your property. This can be done without an attorney in the small claims department of a court if the total amount claimed is under $10,000.
Similar relief may also be available in tribal courts.

Help survivors and their children
get the services they need.